Our Approach

We work at the intersection of diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) and well-being.


The Still Center is a consultancy focused on raising consciousness through contemplative practices such as mindfulness to address individual, interpersonal, and systemic diversity, equity & inclusion issues in the workplace and academic settings. We serve a variety of public and private sector organizations, including law firms, law schools, government entities, and other organizations.

Our Services

All our programs are customized to our client’s particular needs.


Training on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


The Still Center offers educational, training seminars and workshops on a variety of topics, including but not limited to:

·       Cultural Competence

·       Implicit Bias

·       Anti-Racism

·       Inclusive Leadership

·       Mindfulness and Well-Being

·       Intentionality

These programs have been conducted as a part of law school orientation and academic-year programming; summer and new associate training programs; organizational leadership training; firm and organization-wide training; and diversity, equity, and inclusion committee and employee resource group training, to name a few.

 DURATION: 60mins lectures to full-day workshops

Assess & Advise

Cultural Assessments and Strategic Advice


The Still Center utilizes online surveys, focus groups, and bilateral interviews to help organizations gather information from current and/or past employees and leaders to understand their unique diversity, equity, and inclusion challenges and opportunities. After the assessment, The Still Center helps organizations with strategic planning to address the issues uncovered and 'solve for the right problem’ in the implementation of diversity, equity & inclusion initiatives.

The Still Center’s strategic advisory services provide unique expertise to guide clients toward solutions to address the most pressing cultural and human capital challenges in the workplace.

These services can range from facilitating listening circles around the impact of social justice issues in the workplace; to advising councils and officers charged with steering an organization’s diversity, equity & inclusion effort; to reviewing select policies and communications for diversity, equity & inclusion impact.

Yoga & Mindfulness

Classes and Workshops


The Still Center offers professionals classes and workshops to teach individuals how to use the contemplative practices of yoga and mindfulness to reduce chronic stress, achieve physical, psychological, and emotional well-being, and promote authenticity. Cultivating these capacities benefit professionals and their organizations in a number of ways, including:

·       Promoting intentionality;

·       Reducing chronic stress;

·       Increasing focus and concentration;

·       Interrupting implicit bias and social isolation; and

·      Facilitating interpersonal connection.


“What we find is that if you have a goal that is very, very far out, and you approach it in little steps, you start to get there faster. Your mind opens up to the possibilities.”

Mae Jemison - Astronaut